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HP Tablet

Travelling Light and Finding Me Time with the HP Pavilion X2 #HPTreatsMoms @HPCanada

GEAR, Shopping Reviews, toys By May 7, 2016 Tags: , , , No Comments

To say my life is crazy busy is a massive understatement, especially these days with kids, schoolwork, my work, and juggling household tasks. Keeping up, let alone getting ahead, sometimes seems impossible. I have a phone, on which I run through my schedule, a tablet to keep the kids entertained, and my laptop to pull out when I have a spare moment to work. My purse is the size of a small suitcase and hauling it around is a real pain in my…shoulder.


May The Fourth

beauty, GEAR, tech, toys By May 3, 2016 Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , No Comments

Affectionately known as Star Wars Day, May the Fourth has become the Christmas for inner geeks everywhere. My sons and I will be traveling to Disney World for the Social Media Moms Celebration and fellow travellers will witness us in a couple of stormtroopers and Rae costumes!

Looking for great educational animated series for your toddlers? We've got you covered. And many happen to be available for free!

10 Fun Educational Animated Series for Toddlers

FAM, GEAR, kids, tech, toys By April 30, 2016 Tags: , , , , , 51 Comments

Nothing would please me more if I could just plop my kids in front of the television for hours on end, guilt-free. Thankfully, we live in a great age where we can entertain our children while they learn a little something. My favorite place to find great educational animated series  for free is Netflix. I also take full advantage of Xfinity On Demand, PBS Kids, YouTube, Amazon Prime Video, and DVDs.


Teach Patience with the Crayola Melt ‘N Mold Factory

GEAR, Shopping Reviews, toys By February 3, 2016 Tags: , , , , , , , , , , No Comments

If you’ve ever asked a young child to, “wait a minute,” they’ll be inquisitive before that minute is up – heck, it might even happen before you’ve finished speaking! The concepts of time and patience are abstract, and difficult to grasp for concrete thinkers. That’s why I used the Crayola Melt ‘N Mold Factory to help teach time and patience to my almost 8 year old son with Autism.


The Force is with Disney Infinity 3.0 Edition

GEAR, kids, tech, toys By December 8, 2015 Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , 1 Comment

It seems like shopping for the holiday season is getting harder and harder. Finding a unique gift that can not only be enjoyed by all, but also has some staying power, can be difficult – but not impossible! Good news. Disney Infinity 3.0 is no flash-in-the-pan!


Gifts that Groove

entertain, holidays, kids, self, Shopping Reviews, tech, toys By November 29, 2015 Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 6 Comments

It’s day 10 of the 12 Days of Christmas Gift Guides and we’re channelling Austin Powers and the Fonz. These are gifts that groove.


Gifts that Tickle

beauty, GEAR, holidays, kids, Shopping Reviews, tech, toys By November 22, 2015 Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 5 Comments

On day three of our Twelve Days of Christmas Gift Guides we hone in on gifts that tickle our senses and make us mindful of the joys of a life well lived.


Gifts that Comfort and Soothe

entertain, holidays, Shopping Reviews, toys By November 21, 2015 Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 10 Comments

In the second of our 12 days of Christmas Gift Guides we zero in on gifts that comfort and soothe. The world certainly needs to feel safe and cozy these days and we are convinced a few of these selections may help!


Gifts That Cultivate

holidays, kids, play, Shopping Reviews, toys By November 20, 2015 Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 11 Comments

It has been a rough month and our world is changing. We are focused on what matters most in our lives, and what is essential. What is most meaningful?


Nintendo Splatoon Review

entertain, Featured, kids, LIVE, play, tech, toys By August 13, 2015 Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , No Comments

I’m one of those hardcore moms who never allowed the boys to play with squirt guns. They would find driftwood with some resemblance to weapons, and use imagination and creativity to make up games.
