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Best Back To School ipad Apps For Grade School Kids

Best ‘Back To School’ ipad Apps For Grade School Kids

apps, GEAR By February 4, 2021 Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , No Comments

If feels like we’ve already had 4 back to schools this year alone. Homeschooling during pandemics is tough, and trying to keep the kids on track is almost impossible. (Never thought I’d write that sentence!!) Here are some back to school (again) iPad apps for grade school kids can help get organized. Breathe…. With lessons becoming more fun and interactive, kids may find them easier and more organized than the traditional modes of learning.

Homemade Soap

Handmade Soap

LIVE, play, wash By November 14, 2020 Tags: , , , , , , , 2 Comments

There is little as special as a peaceful bath with soap you have made yourself.  Try different scents, and let the kids experiment with their own colours and smells. Handmade soap is spectacular hostess treat for the holidays, or perfect for holiday gifts.  Once you are comfortable with the basics, you can try different recipes, or interesting moulds to create amazing one-of-a-kind soaps.

It's time for Contact Lenses

My Hiking Wake-up Call. It’s time for Contact Lenses

beauty, FAM, GEAR, health By July 29, 2020 Tags: , , , , , , , No Comments

As a woman and a mother there are a few things that top my priority list.  One is health for the whole family – being active, having regular checkups and doing a mental health scan every so often.  The other big priority I have is to be a well-rounded, confident woman.  My kids need to see that.  I want to be a role model and inspiration.

Underwater Birth

Underwater Birth

baby, FAM By December 2, 2019 Tags: , , , 2 Comments

Underwater birth is a common birthing trend but it’s hard to really understand the pros and cons of alternative birthing methods such as this.  Does it really happen just like in the movie “The Back-Up Plan?” Or is it more chaotic?  For those who have never done or seen an underwater birth but are possibly interested in it, there is good news.  Underwater births, for women with regular, uncomplicated pregnancies, are safe and lack any real, proven disadvantages.


Twin Baby Shower Ideas – Welcoming Multiple Babies

baby, FAM By November 16, 2019 Tags: , , , , , , No Comments

If you have a friend that’s expecting twins or triplets, it can make for a difficult baby shower; when should it be, what should the theme be and how do you even go about getting presents for multiple babies?  As difficult as it may seem, throwing a shower for twins or triplets isn’t much different than throwing a shower for one baby—unfortunately, that isn’t true for the labor part.  Here are our twin baby shower ideas.

When Should You Hold A Twin Baby Shower?

Women expecting multiple babies generally give birth at around 36 or 37 weeks, and often much earlier.  But it is much earlier than 36 weeks that women carrying more than one baby begin to feel extremely hormonal, tired and sluggish—the shower should be well before this time, obviously so that the mom can enjoy her shower and have fun.

Also, women carrying more babies are more physically progressed in their pregnancy than women carrying only one baby so the longer you wait to throw a shower, the higher the odds the mom-to-be will go into labor or be put on bed rest.  To be safe, err on the side of caution and plan a twin baby shower for some time between 28 and 32 weeks.

How To Pick A Theme For A Twin Baby Shower

Baby showers have such cute themes and with online stores, you can get baby shower paraphernalia for any situation and any theme.  If you’re having trouble getting creative, think of things of two that are usually referenced or spoken together.  If you know the sexes of the babies, that makes it easier, but if the theme says “twins,” it will be cute no matter the sexes of the babies.  Some themes for girl/boy babies twin baby shower could be: Mickey and Minnie, tiaras and crowns or bees and flowers.

Ideas for multiple girl babies: stripes and dots, flowers and stripes, sugar and spice or pickles and ice cream—this one has the bonus of being two fabulous colors plus is a stereotypical pregnancy craving.  Shower themes for two boy babies could be: sports or snails and puppy dog tails. You can even get creative with the food!

What Type of Gift To Buy For Twins

Obviously, having a twin baby shower means that you can’t only give one blanket and a onesie as the parents to be will need multiple sets of everything.  For shower gifts for multiple babies, you and the guests may have to get creative with the gifts.  People could pool money and get a twin or triplet stroller or give themed baskets of bath-time stuff, bed-time stuff or health care stuff.  Alternatively, if the family is set up with everything they will need for the baby, try to have a shower that is a baking party and have people buy and make food to stockpile in the family’s fridge and freezer, or do a diaper drive.

Even if a family has all the things they will need for a baby, they will never have enough diapers for multiple babies.  You could also do a shower that is only about mom and dad.  Have someone give them the promise of child care when everyone has settled in and have someone else give them a dinner out or a half day at the spa.

Planning a shower, no matter the amount of babies, should be fun and a last chance to shower the parents-to-be with gifts, support and love before they welcome their new addition.  Whatever you decide to do for gifts, theme or time, ensure it is something the family will be comfortable with and appreciate for their special twin baby shower. Enjoy!

Twin Baby Shower Ideas

5 Reasons You Should Pack a Waste-Free Lunch

5 Reasons You Should Pack a Waste-Free Lunch

EAT, lunches By August 21, 2019 Tags: , , , , , , , , , 4 Comments

Back to school means back to a routine, back to feeling crazy busy and back to packing lunches. Aside from the daily content question of what to pack, have you given much thought to how you’re packing your lunches? A waste-free lunch by definition is one that contains no throwaway packaging or food leftovers. In terms of lunch gear products, re-usability is the number one factor when packing a waste-free lunch. A second factor, critical for your child’s health, is non-toxicity and a final factor to consider is durability. If you’re going to invest in reusable lunch gear, it makes sense to ensure it’s made to last. It also makes sense to encourage your child’s input on colours and patterns to encourage them to pack up their reusables for taking home.

Here are 7 tips to encourage kids to clean their bedrooms, without raising your voice or losing your mind:

7 Ways to Encourage Kids to Clean their Bedrooms

FAM, kids, LIVE, play By April 19, 2016 Tags: , , , , , , , , 2 Comments

You’ve threatened, cajoled – even begged your kids to tidy up.  But it still seems you’re the one facing the ultimatum: either ignore the mess or do it for them.

Here are 7 tips to encourage kids to clean their bedrooms, without raising your voice or losing your mind:


15 Ways to Entertain Kids on an Airplane

FAM, International, kids, ROAM By April 5, 2016 Tags: , , , , , , 1 Comment

I’ll never forget traveling from Rome to Toronto in executive class with a one year-old who didn’t sleep a wink.  (I’m quite certain the airline had to appease many of our fellow travelers!)  Every parent has a ‘bag of tricks’ and we’d love for you to add your own ideas to our 15 ways to entertain kids on an airplane.  Having their full attention for so long is a great way to bond and can reveal amazing teaching moments.  Even looking at the maps in the airline magazine is an opportunity!


Very Early Pregnancy Signs + Symptoms

baby, FAM By February 26, 2016 Tags: , , , , 12 Comments

What most women take as a first sign of early pregnancy is a missed period but truthfully, there are a few other signs that can be detected earlier than a missed period that could mean you’re pregnant. Keep in mind that these symptoms are generally counted on as reliable indicators of pregnancy but are in no way a guarantee—it’s always best to get tested by your physician.  So what are some very early pregnancy signs and symptoms?
