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Jill Amery Canadian Shopping

Canadian Holiday Gift Ideas

GEAR, style By December 2, 2020 4 Comments

To continue the ‘shop local from a distance theme to our gift guide, here are a few more ideas from Canadian-owned businesses with great products. When you buy Canadian, you help to bolster the economy and support many fellow citizens. In the photo above, I am wearing a dress from Simons and mask from Narces, which was also featured in Vogue magazine. Happy shopping!

Homemade Soap

Homemade Holiday Gifts

GEAR, style By November 30, 2020 Tags: , , , 2 Comments

With the economy always at the forefront of our minds, we always try to simplify the holidays in some way.  We’ve put together a list of gift ideas that may keep you hooked even when the world is booming again.

1. Snowman in a Can. Take a clean paint can and paint the outside of it with a snowman scene (or leave it silver with white dot stickers). Put inside: a toque, mittens, buttons, plastic carrot and a scarf. Voila!  You have the finishing touches to your snowman.

Learning From Home

Must-Haves for Learning From Home

GEAR, home By September 9, 2020 No Comments

Well, the time is here. For weeks, parents, teachers and school boards have been fretting about how to proceed. A back to school pandemic plan is a tough one. While many students head back to a modified classroom in person, there are thousands of kids who will opt for homeschooling, distance or online learning.

2020 BMWX3e

Ontario Roadtripping in the BMW X3 30e

auto, GEAR By September 9, 2020 1 Comment

Pandemic life has bestowed blessings as well as challenges. Working and schooling from home for over six months hasn’t been the easiest, but our family unit is certainly closer. What we have missed deeply is a change of scenery. When BMW reached out to have the family test out the 2020 BMW X3 30e for a couple of day trips, we jumped at the chance!

Mahone Bay Nova Scotia

A Covid Home Renovation from Afar

GEAR, home By September 4, 2020 2 Comments

I know. We are all renovating and beautifying our spaces right now. Because we will be at home FOREVER it feels like. And ever, and ever. Sorry – ‘Hamilton the Musical’ reference, because isn’t everyone watching it twice a day on Disney Plus? I digress. After my Mom passed away, I inherited a 1780’s farmhouse in Nova Scotia. I got married there, daring Torontonians and Floridians to shell their own lobster dressed in wedding finery whilst looking out at the 365 islands of Mahone Bay. As a charming two-bedroom cottage filled with asbestos, mice and rot, however, it needed some work.

It's time for Contact Lenses

My Hiking Wake-up Call. It’s time for Contact Lenses

beauty, FAM, GEAR, health By July 29, 2020 Tags: , , , , , , , No Comments

As a woman and a mother there are a few things that top my priority list.  One is health for the whole family – being active, having regular checkups and doing a mental health scan every so often.  The other big priority I have is to be a well-rounded, confident woman.  My kids need to see that.  I want to be a role model and inspiration.
