Browsing Articles Written by

Jill Amery

Jill Amery is a mom of 2 small boys and the Publisher of UrbanMommies, a stylish digital lifestyle magazine filled with fitness, style, health, recipes and savvy mom advice to help you through pregnancy, birth, and raising your kids.

easy weeknight butter chicken

Easy Weeknight Butter Chicken

EAT, family meals By February 18, 2021 No Comments

Most people hear ‘butter chicken’ and want to head to the store to purchase and over-priced sauce that lacks flavour and contains a ton of additives. This doesn’t have to happen. I actually ran a ‘pandemic virtual cooking club’ with a ton of kids, and they created this in less than 30 minutes! If you are looking for an authentic, but easy weeknight butter chicken, this is one to try.

Best Back To School ipad Apps For Grade School Kids

Best ‘Back To School’ ipad Apps For Grade School Kids

apps, GEAR By February 4, 2021 Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , No Comments

If feels like we’ve already had 4 back to schools this year alone. Homeschooling during pandemics is tough, and trying to keep the kids on track is almost impossible. (Never thought I’d write that sentence!!) Here are some back to school (again) iPad apps for grade school kids can help get organized. Breathe…. With lessons becoming more fun and interactive, kids may find them easier and more organized than the traditional modes of learning.

Setting Boundaries With Your Kids About Texting

Setting Boundaries With Your Kids About Texting

FAM, kids By February 1, 2021 Tags: , , , 3 Comments

If you have pre-teens or teenagers, you are probably facing the issues that come along with cell phones. Texting may be at the top of the list!  Life isn’t as simple as it used to be when we were children…there are new tools of communication that have become the new lifelines, but, unfortunately, along with these gadgets come issues. Setting boundaries with your kids about texting is important as a parent.

The Coolest Diaper Bags for 2021

The Coolest Diaper Bags for 2021

GEAR, style By January 29, 2021 1 Comment

The diaper bag is like the Hermes Kelly of parenthood. It’s always with you, needs to be heavy-duty, and makes one heck of a statement. The strap can’t make a shoulder dent, it needs pockets, and helps define your mom style. Here’s a roundup of the latest and greatest, coolest diaper bags of 2021 – from utilitarian backpacks to swanky silk.

Homemade Low Fat Granola

Homemade Low Fat Granola

EAT, snacks By January 29, 2021 2 Comments

Seeing as we are all still stuck at home with extra time on our hands, here is a recipe that is not only delicious but also nutritious and low fat with no added sugar. Homemade low fat granola is a great way to start your day and perfect for a mid day munch. With the kids learning from home, I tend to deliver mid-morning snacks to keep their attention focused on the virtual learning. (Sometimes I make it with some dark chocolate chunks to brighten the day – of course…) You can add goji berries, dried fruit, chia seeds or coconut. Whatever you have in the cupboard that can add some interest to your pandemic cooking!

Lemony Lentils with Kale

Lemony Lentils with Kale

EAT, family meals By January 25, 2021 No Comments

This fresh and healthy recipe for lemony lentils with kale packs a punch of nutrients and stays warm in a dutch oven while you pry the kids off to a fun activity! It’s filled with iron in the kale, and the lentils aren’t their normal chalky, flavourless selves because of the lemon punch. It’s a great side to roast chicken or fish. Delicious.


How to Tone Down Your New Year’s Resolutions

LIVE, play By January 20, 2021 No Comments

Who else is on week two of clean eating, limiting alcohol and exercising like an Olympian? Snicker. Yes, I gave up on January 3rd as well. I find January particularly hard, and not only because it’s a birthday month for me. The pandemic has made working out even more of a hurdle, streaming has increased snacking, and with home schooling and isolation, most of us aren’t feeding our souls. One of the worst resolution-killers is guilt, and many of us throw away a whole plan if we slip up a bit. As we grow up, and especially as we develop as parents, we learn that the all-or-nothing approach in not only unrealistic, but can harm our ambitions. So this year, give yourself a break and tone down your resolutions so that they become slow-building habits instead of guilt-inducing nooses.

Bedtime Brews for Babies

Bedtime Brews for Babies

baby, EAT By January 13, 2021 No Comments

Got a child who needs a little calm-me-down at bedtime? Here are three great versions of the classic “Warm Milk” for babies and kids. Older kids can make them by themselves (with adult supervision of course).The mint milk is super soothing and refreshing, whereas adding molasses coats a sore throat and provides comfort.
