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Mommy Fit 2011

Kirsten: End of the Road

Uncategorized By April 12, 2011 Tags: , , 3 Comments

Recipe Box

So here we are at the end, and I really feel like I’m just getting started. Truthfully I am, I didn’t meet all my goals but I learnt a lot and gained some great tools to help me make it there eventually and when I do I think I will stay there.  I has been a great experience and I enjoyed reading the experiences of the other Mommyfit mom’s. I started this competition with a recipe, It would like to end it with a new one:


Caroline: I Can See Clearly Now…

Uncategorized By April 4, 2011 Tags: , , , , 5 Comments

This week I went to a little park near our house with my daughter, we never go there because there is no swing for little ones, only a tire and the slide is big but she’s getting bigger and I thought, why not. There is a little grassy hill and Coco was running down and I was running after her, it was perfect blue sky, the sun was warm and the cherry blossoms are in full bloom. She was laughing so hard as I ran behind her, she loves being chased, I caught her and threw her in the air, she was delighted, nothing beats kids laughter and squeals. I turned around while hugging her and looked up the little hill over her shoulder at the cherry blossoms trees and the park bench, I was suddenly overcome with so much joy and happiness my eyes welled up and I couldn’t control the tears. Last year at this time I was finally recovering from serious postpartum depression.


Kirsten: The Good, The Bad, and the Moderate…

Uncategorized By March 29, 2011 Tags: , , , 1 Comment

Okay so this week gets a 5 out 7. I began the week with a lot of determination and renewed intention, I was making the meals, doing the workouts – even some extra. But Friday night I fell apart, got lazy and ate a crappy dinner. Then Saturday I let myself snack on junk food and I had no energy to do anything. It amazes me how little it takes to send my energy plummeting, and yet when I was doing more the exercise and healthy food was giving me energy.


Felicia: That Five Letter Word…

Uncategorized By March 29, 2011 Tags: , , , , 2 Comments

You know the one I’m talking about… the one that doesn’t allow you to buy new clothes when your child is asking for a bike? The one that makes you cancel the babysitter because the baby is teething?
Or how about the one that makes you sleep on the couch when the kids have had a bad dream and there’s no room left in your bed?
Yep, that’s the one. GUILT.


Caroline: A Positive Plateau

Uncategorized By March 21, 2011 Tags: , , 4 Comments

I have been talking about the mountain I am climbing and I think this week I have reached a plateau on that mountain. I have worked out hard with only one day rest, counted every calorie and my measurements and weight haven’t changed very much. I must admit it is a little disappointing and really deep down inside me, I would rather be on a mountain in the Alps skiing hard every single day, eating cheese fondue and drinking French wine. But my always wonderful and supportive husband reminded me that every week is different, that I shouldn’t be disappointed, that I should be proud of myself for working so hard and that my mood, my attitude, my life has changed for the better.
