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Sore Knees and Achy Back in Pregnancy

Uncategorized By September 1, 2006 Tags: , , , , , , No Comments

Q. I’m only 5-months pregnant but already I’m finding that my knees are tender when I’m trying to do my normal workouts, and my lower back is getting achy more often. I don’t want to stop working out, but want to make sure I’m not doing any permanent damage. What do you recommend?


Flu and Pregnancy

FAM, pregnancy By July 1, 2006 Tags: , , , , , , , 2 Comments

Q. Since being pregnant, I have found that I am far more susceptible to colds and flu that are going around. While I understand it’s from a lowered immune system, I would like to know if there is anything I can take safely for cold symptoms other than a humidifier and Vicks Vapour-Rub. I am very nervous about venturing into over-the-counter medications; however, I am losing a lot of sleep and am in some discomfort too.
