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alyssa bauman

10 simple ways to nourish your body

EAT, eat, family meals, LIVE By May 1, 2013 Tags: , , , , , No Comments

This may sound easy and intuitive to some and overwhelming and foreign to others, but regardless, we all want to feel our best. So if you already practice these, make these 10 Simple ways To Nourish Your Body a mainstay in your everyday. If you are new to these, then start incorporating them one at a time into your day. I promise your body will reap the benefits. It’s the small but daily decisions in your life that lead to the biggest transformations.

Here’s my top 10 hit list on how to Nourish Your Body.

1) Drink warm lemon water upon rising. 

This quick flush and detox alkalizes your body and sets your digestion up for the rest of the day.

2) Eat more greens

Incorporate greens into every meal. Salads, green juices, stews, pastas, eggs, soups. Throw in the kale, chard, spinach, arugula, watercress. The greener the better. Just eat more.

3) An avocado a day keeps the doctor away

Avocados are my god. They are loaded in vitamins, minerals and fiber and contain the healthy fats our bodies thrive on. This is the fat we so need. This is the fat that speeds up our metabolism; the fat that lowers the bad cholesterol; the fat that keeps us satiated so we don’t cave at 4 pm and eat whatever is in front of us.

4) Make dinner your lightest meal (An Avocado Will do)

This allows the body to actually refresh, rejuvenate and repair during sleep. Most the time we wake up tired because our body didn’t rest, digestion takes up so much energy. Try at first eating half of what you normally do. Never eat until you are full. You have eaten to much.

5) Exercise

Move your body. Movement heals everything. If you are tired, it invigorates; if you are upset, cranky, endorphins help you overcome that mood; if you are confused, it helps gain clarity.

Do yoga, run, bike, take a class, whatever it is, it will heal.

6) Body Brush.

Everyday before jumping in the shower or upon rising, dry brush your body in swift  circular motions. This flushes toxins, gets lymphs moving and is a great skin smoother.

7) Cook

When you cook your own food, you know exactly what’s in your food. You have the control of how sweet/salty it is. Once you get in the habit of cooking, you won’t go back to eating out every meal. Pack lunches; have breakfast at home. Make restaurants the occasion.

8) Notice Habits

Become aware of the little things you do everyday. Are they helping you? Are the just habitual? If they are, then break the habit and see how liberating it is.

9) Omega 3’s

Get more Omega 3’s into your diet. Their anti inflammatory properties help you now and prevent future degeneration issues. Eat salmon, flax seeds, chia seeds, walnuts, oil supplements.

10) Take Pleasure, be Passionate 

Do what you love. If you don’t know, make it a priority to discover your inner smile. Ignite and feel your spirit in your every step.


Alyssa Bauman is a holistic nutritionist, health consultant, speaker and writer who is on the crusade to empower healthy eating. The more you eat well, the more you want to eat well. 

Foods Alyssa can’t live with out: Coconut Oil, Raw Cacao, Her Green Go-Go Juice, Avocado and lemons.

Check out for easy, yummy, healthy recipes that will nourish your soul and your body. Sign up for monthly nourished newsletters for transformative advice and nutrition tips.

How to treat yourself to a healthy halloween

How To Treat Yourself to a Healthy Halloween

EAT, holidays By October 30, 2011 Tags: , , , , 1 Comment

Halloween can be a tricky holiday. The omnipresent candy, the festive parties, and the excited enthusiasm of costumed kids can make us go overboard on treating ourselves – especially since we can rationalize that the holiday comes but once a year.

Truly, Halloween is a good time to treat yourself and your kids – not just with a little extra candy, but also with family activities. Bob for apples, tell spooky stories, or have a mini pumpkin hunt!

Halloween definitely doesn’t have to be scary for your health. This list of tips and recipes will help you moderate the treats and avoid the tricks.


The trickiest part of Halloween is keeping yourself and your kids from going nuts over all that candy. It’s in the grocery, the drugstore, and practically pouring from every nook and cranny, all shiny in neat individual wrappers. One piece seems so small, almost harmless.

Of course, it comes in a bag with 50 or 100 other tiny “harmless” pieces. Take heart, though – we have a few ways to tackle the Halloween-candy blues while still allowing a little festive indulgence.

Handing Out Candy Without Diving Into the Bowl

1. Buy a candy brand that you don’t particularly like to eat for handing out to the trick-or-treaters. Candy corn if you’re a chocolate lover, or Milky Ways if Bit O Honey is your downfall. You’ll be more likely to leave some for the trick-or-treaters.

2. Handing out apples might lead to an egged house, nor is it PC anymore, but non-edible options like stickers or yo-yos can be good for treat bags, too. Maybe include an organic lollipop or even a mini larabar for good measure.

3. Go small. If you hand out something in really small portions like Hershey’s Kisses, not only will you be giving less sugar to the kids, but you can also enjoy a few chocolate morsels yourself without much guilt.

4. Buy better candy for yourself and your family. Have a small stash of quality chocolate, and you’ll be less likely to break into the cheaper not so satisfying stuff. For extra benefit, choose dark chocolate – it’s delicious and loaded with health promoting flavonoids. Try Nibmor, Cocoa Camino, Endangered Species, Denman Island or Green and Blacks.

Keeping Your Kids Safe from Sugar Shock

1. Eat a scrumptious, filling meal before you and your kids hit the pavement. Both of you will be less tempted to munch on candy while you go door-to-door.

2. Upon arriving home after trick-or-treating, let your kids pick out 5 or 6 pieces of candy to enjoy that night. Then pop their bag in a hidden spot. They won’t be able to eat it as fast. Younger kids may also forget about their stash altogether – out of sight, out of mind.

2. After Halloween, ration out the candy as you see fit, OR…

3. Buy the remainder candy off them. Your kids might be happy to trade their hard-earned candy for cold cash, a new toy, or a promise of a trip to the zoo!

Fall Foods

Rich in fall flavors, these recipes are sure to keep you and your guests in the Halloween spirit:

Spicy Pumpkin Seeds
Fall Quinoa

Pumpkin Pie Smoothie

Article by Alyssa Schottland-Bauman,
