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This spinach salad was a party favourite growing up. We always dried the spinach in a pillowcase after washing it for big parties. As a little girl I got to do the shaking. Now, I’m more of a salad spinner person, but this brings back some fun memories that make me smile when I’m getting a big salad ready for a party.

I love entertaining and a good salad makes that easier to execute when I’m busy with kids in sports who need to be shuttled all over the place. When you’re used to being stretched thin, you start to develop tips and tricks that make things less stressful and this is a good recipe for those occasions.

I thought I would share with you one of my favourite salad recipes because salad doesn’t have to be boring, after all. It can be delicious, decadent, and it’s such an easy thing to put together when you’re entertaining a crowd. When you add a protein like chicken, or seafood, it can be a nutritionally complete standalone dish, or it can be a tasty side to your latest culinary creation. It’s just so versatile!

Making a meal, even just a salad, is a great opportunity to invite conversation with your kids about where food comes from. When you have a garden, fresh salads are good for decreasing your carbon footprint by using the food right outside your door instead of driving all the way to the store. Because we live on an island, we try to grow what we can at our house so we don’t have to bring as much food over from the mainland. It’s just so much easier to have things close at hand, and it’s easier on the earth. I hope you enjoy the spinach salad and the conversation!



