It’s every parent’s biggest worry. Will they have so much fun at school they don’t want to come home? OK maybe not the BIGGEST, but it still ranks up there. Especially if your kids have some anxiety about leaving you or being in school, a developmentally-appropriate lunchbox note can go a long way. Before they are reading, familiar images or photographs can be great. I can’t wait to start sending Shakespeare verses once my boys get older… I’m sure they will be SO thrilled with that!!

School Lunchbox Notes

You likey? You can download a PDF copy of our Lunchbox Notes right here. Hopefully they will inspire you to write more personal and interesting ones. Here are a few ideas for other text you can include. Stickers, photos (we love the Sprocket photo printer for this!), stamps or favourites from their rock and shell collections are always great additions, too. Oh – and if you need some creative lunch ideas, we’ve got a few here – including skewers, mice and egg chicks!

Ideas for Lunchbox Notes

  1. You rock (with a rock, of course).
  2. Math is more fun than recess!
  3. Your kindness makes me proud.
  4. What did the bath book say to the other math book? (I’ve got problems).
  5. What’s a pirate’s favourite subject? (Aaaaaarrrrtt).
  6. I believe in you!
  7. Be confident during your test – you worked hard!
  8. Here’s an extra cookie for the person in your class who always gets left out!
  9. What kind of button can you not unbutton? (A belly button).
  10. How do you make a tissue dance? (Put a little boogie in it)!

We could go on and on, but you get the gist. Often, kids experience anxiety at some point of the day, and a little reminder of the love and care they feel at home can go a long way to combating this. Anxiety can be as debilitating as skipping breakfast when it comes to barriers to learning. You know your child better than any other, and your lunchbox notes can be a simple scribble on a notepad. A little extra effort can go a long way.
