One part of parenting that I constantly struggle with is Mom guilt. Household homework discipline isn’t the greatest, school lunches aren’t always balanced and sometimes I cop out by letting the kids watch Pokemon Youtube videos instead of having meaningful conversations. Any technology that can help me feel like I’m doing something right is a winner, but the Dyson Pure Cool Link Desk model is a winner for a whole ton of reasons besides alleviating my guilt.

dyson-pure-coolIn testing the desktop model, I was immediately struck by the sleek design we have all come to expect from Dyson products. The space-age blue colour and magnetized remote that rests on top look more like an art piece than a practical air purifier and fan. Because there are no blades, little hands and feet are safe, so superman can fly right on through. Additionally, cleaning the unit takes minutes instead of hours of scrubbing blades. Hopefully the air will become so much cleaner that my unsightly kitchen ceiling fan will be covered in less grease and dust! Or even better, maybe Dyson will make an overhead model…

The Pure Cool Link removes 99.97% of allergens and pollutants as small as 0.3 microns and the 360° Glass HEPA filter captures ultrafine particles from the air including pollen, bacteria, and pet dander. Time to add another cat to the mix!!

We found it incredibly quiet, and at night, the LED display automatically dimmed so as not to interrupt sleep. It comes in white or blue, and can also be tucked on a floor if you don’t want to house it on a table or desk. There is also a taller version specifically for use on a floor.

dyson-cool-link-setupI’m getting a tad obsessed with smart home apps and appliances, and this fan is no exception. Downloading the app to a smartphone, it connects to your home wifi and then pressing the ‘on’ button on the fan for 5 seconds connects everything together. Registering the product activates your warranty, and you’re ready to set up the system via your smartphone. The Pure Cool Link automatically monitors, reacts and purifies – then reports to your Dyson Link app. You can remotely control your environment by changing fan speed (there are ten), inputting a schedule, setting air quality goals (higher if you are extra sensitive to particles), viewing filter life and monitoring the current air quality in your home. This is where the alleviation of Mom guilt comes in!

dyson-air-purifierThe app will tell you for the day or week how the air quality of your home fared. So you can look at the chart and feel proud that your family breathed the best air possible all week long! Even if they did this while watching brain-numbing YouTube videos, you still scored a win.

Disclosure: UrbanMommies was sent a Dyson Pure Cool Link Desk unit for testing. We adore the product and the company, and all opinions are our own.
