Did you know that teething causes gas? Another side effect is that the baby exhibits cold-like symptoms with runny noses and irritated coughs. It may help (once they are six months old) to feed them cold food, like applesauce to help, or let them suck on half a frozen whole-wheat bagel if they are a bit older.

We liked Boiron’s homeopathic Camilia medicine for teething, or you could try an acetaminophen suspension for infants. For the runny nose symptoms you could try saline drops followed by the use of a nasal aspirator.

Gorfinkle, Kenneth. Soothing Your Child’s Pain: From Teething And Tummy Aches To Acute Illnesses And Injuries – How To Understand The Causes And Ease The Hurt.

Murkoff, H., A. Eisenberg and S. Hathaway. What to Expect the First Year.

