I went to a swanky Gastown dinner sponsored by Invisalign Teen.  Having never had braces and with toddlers, I had no idea what advances there have been in dentistry.  Wow.  Headgear?  No.  Ugly metal train-track things that get bits of food stuck and leave a teenager date-less?  Nope.  Invisalign are hard see-through cases – trays that you can pop in and out of your mouth that gently maneuver the teeth info proper formation.  The biggest benefit in my view relates to self-esteem for teens and adults requiring braces.  (Not to mention few diet or sports restrictions.)  I won’t go into the amount of therapy I needed after having acne as a teenager, but I was certainly affected by not feeling attractive.  Ridiculous but true – especially during the teenage years.  Anything that can help teens through this stage of life is such a blessing.  A tad more expensive than traditional braces, but they certainly get our vote.  Oh – and Moms can certainly benefit too.

