Whether it’s for one week or three months, dealing with bedrest during pregnancy can be a challenge. If you approach the matter as a time to prepare yourself for your new role, it may help. It is a chance to get a few things accomplished before baby comes, too. There are several other things you can do to help pass the time you spend on bedrest.

How to Deal with Bedrest

Settle in! You may as well be as comfortable and self sufficient as possible. Place your telephone, TV, various remote controls, books and hobby stuff within reach. A good idea is to have wireless internet so you can look up things whenever you think of them, work on your birth plan or keep in touch with friends and family with via email. All of these things will help to keep you occupied.

You may be able to do quiet activities like share dinners from the couch or receive visitors. It is invaluable time to share with friends before the baby comes, because you may not have that kind of time again for a while.

Exercise During Bedrest

Your practitioner may recommend that you do some upper body exercise, so get detailed instructions and make these exercises part of your daily routine. Be sure you are clear on your situation and your doctor’s recommendations before starting any kind of exercise program.

You may be surprised how much you can prepare for the new addition from your post on bed rest. You can, at the very least, start lists of what you will need and do some of your shopping or registering on line.

A friend of ours used the time to address envelopes for Multiple Birth Programs (see our section on ‘free stuff’), and after the babies arrived she just popped copies of their birth certificates in the envelopes and posted them off. You could also use this time to prepare envelopes for birth announcements or thank you cards.

You may spend time doing lots of reading in preparation for birth and aftercare. If you are like many first time parents, there is a lot to know that you may not be aware of. Perhaps familiarize yourself with your local library on line, put requests on books that interest you and once a week your husband or partner could pick them up for you.

Try not to be anxious. This is common, particularly in high-risk pregnancies, and since there is little to distract you, you have to just try to keep busy and positive. Your doctor may be able to recommend a support group in your area so you can reach out to women in similar circumstances.

Isennock, Patricia. Bedrest Before Baby: What’s A Mother To Do: A Survival Handbook For High Risk Moms.

McCann, Mary Ann. Days In Waiting: A Guide To Surviving Pregnancy Bedrest.
