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Things to Do When You Become a Mom

LIVE, nourish By July 19, 2010 Tags: , 2 Comments

Ok, ladies.  There are times when life gives you the opportunity to begin afresh.  Becoming a Mom is definitely one of them.  We’re not advocating huge changes like becoming vegan or moving to Mauritius, but there are a few things you might want to consider to ward off the blues, make yourself feel great and ensure you’re getting the respect that you deserve. So here’s a list of things to do when you become a mom..

1. Make sure you get dressed and put on lip gloss every day. It’s a slippery slope.
2. Evaluate your email address. Recently we’ve gotten job applications from ‘sexyfox’, ‘jennluvs69’, and maria1977. Do you think your private life and your age should really be out there for all to see? You are a mom now, woman.
3. Get a sexy pair of flat, rubber-soled shoes or boots.
4. Make sure your bra fits.
5. Ensure your wardrobe includes a killer black dress, a white blouse, and a nice belt.
6. Throw away all socks with holes, hose with runs, dead lipsticks, pilled sweaters and stained t-shirts. Oh, college sweats too. I bet Stacy London’s list would be even longer but we can start with these.
7. Find out what your husband/partner finds attractive as sleepwear, and make sure you have some.
8. Don’t put on something that has spit-up on it. EVEN TO GO TO THE GROCERY STORE.
9. Keep a few garbage bags in the car so you can toss the trash each time you think of it. Someone tweeted us recently that sprouts were growing in their car. Ick.
10. Get a good diaper bag/purse that makes you smile and shows your style. It will be with you for longer than you can imagine.

– Jill Amery is a grownup.


Top Songs for Crying

LIVE, nourish By July 6, 2010 Tags: , , , , , No Comments

Girls might just want to have fun, but sometimes we just have to shed a few tears and dig into a tub of Ben and Jerry’s.  It’s healthy to cry, but if you’re having a bit of trouble turning on the waterworks, try the UrbanMommies playlist.  And of course, if the tears don’t stop, you might want to read about breaking points and postpardom depression.

1.  Because of You (Kelly Clarkson)
2.  My Immortal (Evanescence)
3.  How to Save a Life (The Frey)
