It is usually a good idea to see your Family Doctor before you start trying to get pregnant.  There are blood tests that can be performed to ensure that you are immune to both Chicken Pox and German measles. These are very serious diseases if you contract them in pregnancy, often affecting the baby and leading to developmental abnormalities. If you are not immune you can be immunized prior to pregnancy to ensure you are protected and thus protect your baby. These immunizations cannot be given when you are pregnant, and after you are immunized doctors suggest you do not get pregnant for at least 3 months.

Be honest with your doc about your health habits, and make sure you know and can disclose a full family history of illnesses such as heart disease, hypertension and diabetes.  Remember that you are unique and while the internet and books are great for general answers, your doctor can guide you through the process that is right for your family, body type, genetic history and comfort level.

You may want to ask the doctor a few questions when you are trying to get pregnant:

1.  When I get a positive test, how soon should I contact you?
2.  Do you deliver babies, and what are my options for midwives or obgyns?
3.  Can you explain my options based on my age for screening tests?
4.  If I am not pregnant within a few months, should I be worried?
5.  Do you have any other health advice for me during this time that will make my body function better?

We also have lots of content about preparing for pregnancy, spotting before period, signs of implantation and very early signs of pregnancy that you might want to explore.

Good Luck!

Dr. Linda Ducholke, a mother of two, has been a successful Family Practitioner with Obstetrical privileges for the past 20 years. The main focus and passion of her practice is obstetrics and childcare.  Jill Amery just loves pregnancy and babies.
