Kawasaki’s is an auto-immune disease that affects blood vessels, mucous membranes, skin and lymph nodes. It also normally exhibits its serious effects on the heart leading to severe coronary artery aneurysm in untreated cases. The disease normally affects children who are under 5 years of age. The condition is usually accompanied by a fever during the onset period or acute phase of the disease. The fever is normally high with temperatures of about 400c (1040F) or higher and it does not yield to treatment with paracetamol or acetaminophen.

The disease affects multiple organs; hence the signs and symptoms are wide spread in several affected organs.  There is presence of a high grade fever, red eyes also known as conjunctivitis, lips that are bright red and chapped or cracked, red mucous membranes in the mouth, strawberry tongue with white coating and inflamed papillae, red palms of the hands and soles of the feet, swollen lymph nodes and rash that may be non-itchy and polymorphic.  Children having this condition may also experience severe joint pain, arthritis may occur and there is usually a rapid or increased heart beat.

The specific cause of the disease is not known, but there are indications that it may be as a result of genetic and environmental factors. The treatment of this condition is usually best carried out by specialists in pediatric cardiology. Parents should not hesitate to take children to hospitals as early diagnosis is important to effective treatment.
