Hallowe’en is my favourite. Without the pressure (and now grief) of Christmas, the whimsy and fun captivates every sensibility in me. I remember in grade 2 getting my tonsils and adenoids out and having to miss it. DEVASTATED. But each kid in my class made a huge envelope filled with cards because they and the teacher felt so sorry for me.

Last year felt pretty weird and grief-laden in a weird way. Without trick or treating allowed, I felt as if I needed to make it more special for the kids, just like those grade 2’s did for me. We were going to have a candy chute for those who chose to distance and go door to door but I was not in the mood for the wrath of pretty much everyone who is so judgy and on edge!

How to treat yourself to a healthy Hallowe’en
Trick or Treating Tips for Tots

I also love that we have a black cat for photo shoots in October. Once we put him in a big pumpkin!!
Emerging from a Pandemic
With masks completely appropriate to wear on October 31, it’s not a big stretch to stay safe, distanced and out in the fresh air. This year will be so exciting. Like the roaring 20’s. Looking around the neighbourhood, houses are already adorned. Kids are planning their routes. And I feel like I have to make full-on gift bags this year!
What are your plans to make it special this year?