It’s easy to get bogged down with the daily ins-and-outs of parenting, work, and life. There are dishwashers to unload, grocery shopping to do, and paychecks to earn.

Sometimes, though, it’s worthwhile to step back and simply enjoy quality time with our children. Easier said than done in the midst of another busy week, yes, but so worth it. We came up with five simple mother-son playdate ideas to inspire you to set aside some one-on-one time with the little dude in your life.

Park Play

Now that the weather is warming up, my son asks to go to the park every other minute. It’s rare for just the two of us to spend time together, so even going to the park alone feels special. Bring some snacks, run around together, and bask in his excitement.

J on Swing

Ice Scream, You Scream

Who doesn’t like ice cream? Take your son on a surprise trip to your local ice cream shop and let him pick out anything he wants. Get yourself something too. You won’t believe how fun it is to sit and simply listen to all of your child’s thoughts as he relishes his ice cream and all of your attention.

Let’s Do Lunch

Depending on your child’s age (on the younger side is probably best), he will think it’s the coolest thing ever if you join him for lunch at the school cafeteria. You will feel like a rockstar, and he will never forget it.

Sports Fanatic Date

If your son has developed a strong interest in a particular sport, going to a game together is completely worth the effort. Check out local team schedules and take your little guy to watch the pros (or even just the high schoolers!) play his favorite sport. It will feel like the Superbowl to him.

John at park

Movie Time

Maybe there’s a newborn in the picture, your spouse is traveling, or someone is home sick; it isn’t always possible to leave the house together. One easy activity you can enjoy without leaving the comfort of your couch? A movie date. Make some popcorn, curl up next to each other, and most of all, resist the temptation to check your phone or fold laundry– really watch it. Deep down, your son will know that you are paying attention to something he loves, whether it be Cars, Despicable Me, Star Wars, or whatever else he’s obsessed with at the moment.


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5 simple mother - son playdate ideas
